Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Catch up

Sorry, didnt have much time over the weekend to make more posts. The week has started off crazy. Yesterday was the MLK holiday, so no school for Maddie. I had an all day meeting followed by dinner, so I didnt get home until late. After getting home, we listened intently to the forecast to learn that more snow was on the way. For once, they got it right. With Kenzie waking up at 2:30 (ugh) we started seeing the white stuff coming down. By 6am, we had a good 3in of new snow. This is on top of the 2 in of snow and ice we already had. All this means that streets were nasty slick, and yes, school was cancelled again. It warmed up througout the day, so now tomorrow is all about ICE...small chance of more snow, but it is unlikey. I can say for Steph (and our other HOPE friends) that we hope school is back in session tomorrow. It has been a week since the first snow, and as much as we wanted this stuff, it will be nice to see it go. Our town just is not prepared for all the "logistics" of dealing with snow.

As a side to all this snow closure, the bball team hasnt been able to play or practice for over a week. Cary and I are bummed as we have been trying to make some changes to things, and need the time. Oh well...we will keep after it. Maybe this break will be a nice change and they will come back fired up...fingers crossed.

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