Saturday, April 28, 2007

Play Ball!!

It's official, T-ball is in full swing. We had our 2nd game of the year today and the kids are doing great. Normally games end in a tie, with everyone batting and everyone scoring (no outs), but we won today for sure :-)...we had 10 players and they only at 7!

So far this year has been great. We have a lot of returners so we are not dealing with the typical T-ball issues of playing in the dirt, swarming the ball in the outfield, etc. In fact, today we started coach pitch and almost all 10 kids hit the coach pitch!

Kenzie is loving T-ball as well. Although she isnt playing, she is definately part of the team. As you can see below, she has picked up Maddie's jersey and hat from last year and is always asking to go to T-ball.


SeattleAnne said...

Hey-I was at the game today and the kids did great! A big yahoo! to Maddie who hit the first ball pitched by coach Dad!
I missed the second one as Kenzie needed an early 7th inning stetch at the swings!
Love, Nana "J"

Anonymous said...

This photo of the girls is adorable! Jenn