Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Pictures of "thigh meat"

As I was eating my chicken salad at lunch today, I saw an email come through. It was from Amy!

First off, she expressed how she enjoyed reading the blog and everyone's comments. Second, she explained to us how they named these tumors "thigh meat" because neither Jeff or Amy care for thigh meat when having chicken. I thought that this was a cool, psychological game where they directed all their negative energy towards these pesky tumors. However, I got the impression that is wasn't that "deep." They just thought that the tumors looked like a piece of thigh meat...that simple! Amy actually requested pictures of removed tumors to see if their images were on target. So, if you are a interested in this kind of thing, they are happy to share. Just drop them an email.

Alrighty then....On the positive side of this odd twist, Amy and Jeff clearly have their quirky sense of humor in full swing less than a week since major surgery. We are thankful for this as laughter can be the best medicine. On the home front, Jeff and Ben seem to have caught the crud that Laruen had. So they have been down for the count all day. Mom is keeping everyone in their own plastic bubbles so the germs stay contained :-) On the positive side, Lauren is doing better. Mom is training her to be able to take care of Amy in case Jeff doesn't recover quickly. The new freezer is on it's way. After a delivery of a load of California Pizza Kitchen food from the producers of Lost, they pulled the trigger so they will be able to enjoy all the great generosity from friends and family.

It was great to see an email from Amy today. Hopefully she can/will send more emails that I can post up here for everyone.

Leaves me wondering, what part of the chicken was my chicken salad made of......

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