Friday, June 11, 2010

Watch out Golden...Here come the Landskovs

We knew this day was coming, but goodbye is never easy.  Today we said our final goodbye to the Landskov family, great friends that are moving to Golden, CO.  We have grown close to these guys over the years, especially since Luke and KK are 1 week apart.  They have developed a special little bond while growing up together.  So, aside from the Moms and Dads struggling and sheding a tear (or two), it was tough to see KK start to cry as she said bye to her little buddy.  We plan to stay in close contact with the Landskov, and although this goodbye was tough, we are anxious to see them again soon.   We snapped this quick photo before we took off

Good luck Landskovs...we love you guys!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Better late than never, but wanted to recap our memorial day weekend trip to the cabin.  We got a little later of a start since Maddie had a softball game on Friday, but it actually worked out well.  We grabbed the early morning ferry and were up to the cabin by mid morning.  It was a a mini-garage sale weekend, so while the crew was in the garage trying to move some high quality merchandise, I decided to take advantage of no rain, and headed out onto the lake to fish.  My "vessel" of choice was the paddle boat.

I was surprised that no one else was out there, and the fish must have been hungry, because they were biting!

Then later in the afternoon, Steph, Maddie KK and I headed back out in the boat...and luckily the fish were still biting.  By catching some fish, we had the opportunity to feed the resident eagles..yes feed the eagles.  You have to check out the video below where the eagle swooped down to gobble up the fish we threw out there.  This was actually the 2nd of 3 times we were able to do this.  It was awesome to witness, and something we will never forget.  The kids are still talking about it.

We wrapped up the only sunny day we had with a fire at the fire pit...Good times!