Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Downtown Trip - Maddie's News

After an awesome Thanksgiving, we headed downtown for our annual holiday night. This was the first time we went the Friday after Thanksgiving, and it was crazy....fun crazy, but crazy. We will get pictures up later of all the festivities which included gingerbread houses, the Macy's star, carousel, tree lighting, shopping, etc. The exciting news from the weekend was that Maddie got her ears pierced. We have been asking Maddie for awhile if she wanted to get them pierced, however, like most 3rd graders, she wasn't too excited about it...for some reason, she was a-Ok with it this last weekend, so we went for it. We snapped a before and after picture, as well as a video. Maddie is super excited, and it taking good responsibility for keeping her ears clean in order avoid an infection...she is already planning what earrings she will start wearing in a few months.

And here is the video

1 comment:

Tracy Dart said...

Oh my goodness! I am so proud of Maddie! What a trooper...she was so brave...and I love the little earrings she chose. VERY CUTE!!! It reminds me of getting my ears pierced at Menashe's when I was 9 years old - Bruce did it! I don't think I was as brave as Maddie! Yay!! Congrats!