Sunday, March 29, 2009

Maddie's Thoughts

Tonight, like every Sunday night, we settled in as a family to watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition.  We started watching this as a family a couple years ago, and we really enjoy the messages, the stories, and I guess the goodwill it shares.  It is not uncommon to see a few tears shed.  Tonight was a special 2 hour edition...probably a little too long for Kenzie, and Maddie was starting to fade as well, but with Spring break this week, we let them stay up for it.  About 1/2 way through the show, we noticed that Maddie had taken a notebook and cleared out some of the scribble pages and was writing.  We can always tell, because she asks for help in spelling some words.  Anyway, after the show was over, she wanted to share a "song" she wrote called "Life is Happy."  This is ALL HER.  We had nothing to do with it, which makes it even more special to hear.   We asked if we could put this up on the Blog because it meant sooo much to us to hear her thoughts...our only wish to her (and we told her) that we hope that she always feels this way :-)

Life is Happy
Things are happy, so is Life.  I love it every night.  Life is very happy!
God gave me Life so I love it and I cry life is so happy!
I Love my Life.

Since this is pretty "deep" we thought we try to uncover what all made her life happy....and see what was going on in that little, almost 8 year old, head.  Here is the list she rattled off:

1) Everything
2) Family
3) Church/Sunday School/Jesus/God
4) Nice Home
5) The Cabin
6) Friends
7) School/P.E.
8) Sports (Softball, Soccer, Basketball)
9) Nice Neighborhood
10) Arts and Crafts
11) Animals

Pretty Cool.


jmcwong said...

Love this! Good job to you as parents, too!

Jenn Witsoe said...

This was really fun to read. So sweet....and how great for you as parents to hear that she's truly SO happy! Love how she expressed it all. : )