Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, this week we closed the books on 2007 and fired up 2008. Monday, New Years Eve, also happened to be our 12th Wedding Anniversary. To ring in the new year and celebrate out anniversary, we headed up to the Maggie Lake cabin with the kids, Bruce, Sheryl, Ryan, Stacey and Haas. The hood canal area was hit pretty hard with our big snow/rain storms a few weeks back, so we had a chance to see some the "creeks" that were now rivers. Up at the cabin, we were fortunate to come upon snow..probably about 3-4 inches, fully packed down, with about a 1/2 in of ice on top. This made for a great time trying to sled down the driveway. In the absence of sleds we used garbage can lids, bird seed bags, etc. The Bird Seed bad was the most effective on the thin sheet of ice. As you can see from the slide show we also made an impromptu boat trip on the lake to re-secure the dock. Maddie and Uncle also ventured out on the Paddle Boat. All in all, we had a great time. We wish everyone a happy and safe new year!

This week meant heading back to the "routine". I started back to work on Wednesday, and Maddie back to school on Thursday. Kind of nice to ease back into thing a bit. Next week will be a tough week with Basketball kicking into full gear. Games on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Friday's game is at the infamous Zion Snohomish and the carpet court. Should be fun!

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