Sunday, August 5, 2007

Seafair Weekend

Well, seafair offically has come and gone now with the Hydros and Blue Angels. Believe it or not, even though we are lifelong Seattlites, neither Steph or I have ever been to the Hydros or down to see the Blue Angels. I guess we had a sheltered childhood :-)

So, this weekend we were invited by our friends Cary and Julia to their seafair tradition of watching the Blue Angels perform on Saturday. We met in WS at 11:30, grabbed some food for a picnic lunch and headed down to Seward park. The place was crawling with people....thousands at least. We ate or lunch and then the show started with the roar of 4 jets over our heads. Cary and I had our cameras and we caught a few pictures of the "birds". My camera has a decent zoom lens, but either way, to get a picture like this they must have been close! Sorry the 1 is clipped a bit...remember, this things are going pretty darn fast, so just to have it in focus is an accomplishment.

Here is a cute pic of Maddie and her friend Gavin watching the Blue Angels go by.

Thanks fo the Doerrs for including us in their Annual tradition and for the introduction to the Blue Angels in person. It was a really cool experience and great fun!

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