Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another Parade in the books

Well, we are finally home. Another parade in the books. This years seemed to go on a bit longer than didnt help when the fire station had some activity that held up the hydro semis for a bit. Anyway, everyone had a great time. The kids did great. Maddie did kind of freak out when the Pirates came by. She was crawling under our chairs to avoid contact with the crazy guys. Kenzie on the other hand got 3-4 handouts from them. Oh well, Steph and I did the same thing when we were 6.

Oh by the way, Steph made the news. While on her "shift" she was interviewed by KIRO TV. It was the iWitness grouop off the website. When we got home we found the clip. Here is the link:

If that doesnt work, go to iWitness Video then click on the "Excited Spectators Light Up Torchlight Parade" link. They only used a few seconds of a longer interview.

Thats all for now. Happy Torchlight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maddie - the pirates are scary! Steph, very nice clip, that was great! Good to see some blog updates, thanks! Jenn