Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Prayers for the Long Beach Jensen Family

We are writing tonight to ask that you keep Jeff, Amy, Ben and Lauren in your prayers, especially Amy. After a challenging day, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and is awaiting immediate surgery. Jeff has asked that I share the details around this situation with all of you, so here is what we know.

This morning, Amy was not feeling well at all. At some point, she blacked out and fell, but is unable to remember anything about that (but has the marks to prove it.) After calling Jeff, he noticed that she wasn't herself, slurred speech, not talking straight, etc. He immediately started home. While on the road, he made another call, and with no improvement, he called an ambulance. Upon arriving at home, Amy was just about to be transported. After arriving at the ER, Amy had a CAT scan that showed a small brain tumor. Initial word was very positive, they believe the tumor is benign, it is small, accessible and operable or "extractable." The rest of the evening was filled with getting Amy admitted and physicians assigned. As of 10pm this evening, that has happened.

In terms of next steps, an operation could happen as early as tomorrow, but they will know more in the morning. Amy's mom is taking an immediate leave of absence to be there with them for the next 10 days. The kids are doing well through all of this. Word is that they think this is a just a big adventure. We heard that Jeff was using a Chicken McNugget as a way to explain what Mommy will be going through...sounds like something Jeff would do.

We will keep everyone posted.

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