Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Play Ball!

Tomorrow marks the first regular season game in Maddie's softball season.  Last year was her first year playing softball (after 2 years of t-ball), and this year she is the "veteran" on the team along with her best buddie Mikayla.  We have a total of 9 girls this year, so everyone will get a lot of at bats and play every position.  Maddie is becoming quite the athlete as she approaches her 8th birthday (this Sunday).  Today she participated in her first basketball clinic and she has been practicing her dribbling in the back alley when it is sunny out.  Rumor has it that she might be getting a portable hoop for her birthday (hopefully she doesnt check this blog at school.)

Aside from Softball season starting up, we just returned from our annual trip to the Oregon coast for Easter.  This year we had a packed house with 11 adults and 5 kids.  The kids were 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7.  It was a a bit crazy...but fun.  The weather cooperated for us on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday was a down pour all day, and for the drive home.  Stacey and Haas flew up for the weekend so it was great to spend some time with them.  Here is a slideshow of pics from the weekend:

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