Monday, October 27, 2008

The New Classroom(s)

This morning we had the chance to be there for the "dedication" of the new classrooms up at Hope. It was almost like an Extreme Makeover moment, as Lisa and staff "got the key" on Thursday and spent all weekend getting moved in. Kenzie's preschool class moved from the church basement into their own room...while Kindergarten moved right across the hall. The 8th graders moved to a new room upstairs (they had been on table in the fellowship hall), and the 1st graders moved back to their room. So, as you can tell, a lot of moving and shakin' the last few days. I was able to snap some photos of the new Preschool and Kindergarten rooms as well as some of the activities. This was a HUGE milestone in the Church/School building step is to finish off the new driveway and playground while also finishing off the connection between Church and School.

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