Wednesday, January 30, 2008

1 Year Ago

This past week marked the 1 year anniversary of a couple things...One, our Blog...our small place on the Internet that hopefully is a good way to keep people up to date on the happenings of the Jensen Family here in Sea-Town! Second, and much more important, is when we learned from Jeff that Amy had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. It is funny the details you remember when certain things happen...we were having dinner when my Mom called with the details of what had occurred that day and what was going to happen. As a way to help spread the word on how things were going, we used the blog to get the message out. I got a little "geeky" and started using Google Analytics to see where all the hits were coming from to get updates. It was amazing to see how many people were coming to get information in support of Amy.

One year later, the Lakewood Jensens have created their own blog ( As you can see from her 1 year update, she has not only beaten this but is moving forward full steam ahead. We are so proud of her courage and determination to get through this. I dont think any of us can imagine what she, Jeff and the kids had to go through. Thank you to everyone who kept them in your thoughts and prayers.

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