Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

Just realized that I forgot to add in a posting for Christmas eve. The 24th was a great day. We got up a little later than usual, got some coffee and "hung out" for bit. Then it was off for some last minute "things." Maddie and I headed downtown while Steph and KK went to the Grocery Store. We were out the door by 4:30 for 5 o'clock church. After Church we made the annual visit to Grandma Carmen's on the beach. We had just about everyone there with the exception of Pat and Shelly...Uncle Pat had come down with something during the day. Merry Christmas guys...missed seeing you!

One really cool tradition that we started after my Grandpa passed away was to adopt a family through the church and make their Christmas a little brighter. This year we had a family who had just recently moved to the areas, and the father lost his job. To make things even more tough, the dad recently experienced a heart attack.....even more tough was the fact that during treatment the dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Pretty ironic that this family with their challenges would be put in front of us...look at what our family has experienced this year with Amy and Uncle David. It is such a great feeling to put our energy into this and to make Christmas a little brighter for another family.

Well, here are some pics from the festivities. Again, Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great slideshow! We missed being there, but glad everyone had a wonderful Christmas Eve, as always. Love, Jeff, Amy and the kids