Saturday, March 10, 2007

Maddies goes to work

For awhile now, Maddie has wanted to ride the bus to work with Dad, so on Friday we made it happen. Maddie didn't have school due to parent/teacher conferences so we decided this would be the best chance. Maddie put on jeans and her REI coat, just like Dad, and we headed out the bus stop. We left just a little bit earlier since Maddie loaded up her backpack with a bunch of "stuff" and after just a few minutes she was asking, "Daddy, when is the bus going to come?" Pretty quick the bus came by and Maddie had her $1.50 ready to go. Lucky for her, she didn't have to pay since her 6th Birthday isn't until April 19th. We got the best seats on the bus and Maddie was giddy with excitement of the "accordion" and how fast the bus was going.

We made it to work and everyone was excited to meet Maddie. It had been a long time since her last visit, and with all the growth at eProject, there was also a lot of new people that had never met her. Maddie settled into my office and right away setup shop. By far her favorite activity was drawing on the whiteboard. Here is a picture I took with my cell phone. You can see she is right in her element.

After a few meetings, we headed over to Red Robin for lunch and shared a cheeseburger. Afterward we played some ping pong, rode razor scooters, saw the Segway in action, played with the mini-basketball hoop, etc (we really do work, honest). By the time we knew it it was around 2:30 and thoughts of having Mom come and get her didn't make sense. So, she just stayed with me the rest of the day. I had a couple other meetings in the afternoon, and Maddie was a trooper. She just hung out in my office and did her thing.

I was super proud of Maddie and how good she was. I think she really enjoyed it...and so did Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, Mike, I want to come to work with you. Sounds like a lot more fun than my normal day....