Seem like every month goes by faster and faster, but there is no doubt that this March was one of the craziest of all time. Yes, it marks the end of College Basketball season, dubbed March Madness, and for the Jensen house it was just that. Things started off with business trips for both of us, Mike to Baltimore for his 1st company meeting with r2i and Steph to California with Another Source. Our trips actually overlapped a bit and we were lucky to have the grandparents available to get the kids to/from school. Next on tap was Steph’s birthday weekend with lots of friends and family, including a surprise visit from our good friend Leighellen. The next couple weekends were packed full of School fundraisers, Friends Birthday parties, and basketball tournaments. Oh, actually the month started with a basketball tournament too...and Oh, it was non-stop basketball nearly every day!! Maddie had the amazing opportunity as a 4th grader to represent her school (Hope Lutheran) on the 5/6th grade team. With that came daily practices and/or games and a new kind of busy. Mixed in with all of that was also a practice for Spring Soccer, and getting Girls Softball kicked off. We knew heading into it, that it was going to be packed, but as it is all past us now, looking back we realize it was nutty! But in the was totally worth it!
Maddie was coming off another great season with the local YMCA and we could tell that she really enjoyed playing basketball, so we she asked if she could play on the school team we wanted to encourage her to keep going. She, along with 3 other 4th graders joined the 5/6th grade team and did an awesome job. They contributed, were great teammates, and most of all had a great time. At the end of year tournament we were so proud when Maddie was recognized most for her attitude and her smile. She is one happy kid, and does everything with a or lose, basket or no basket, she just loves playing the game. We are looking forward to many more years in the bleachers, cheering her and her friends on...and next year we will be a little more prepared for the Madness that comes in March.