Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Surprise as Maggie Lake
Misc Pictures
Maddie, Hass, Ryan, and Kenzie Sledding
Haas and Ryan Sledding
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Santa Visit
Here is a video of the girls telling Santa what they want for Christmas.
Jingle Bell Rap
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow Day Recap
We then headed out into the white stuff to a great little coffee shop just a block or two away. We snapped a few photos of that adventure, and here are a few others from the day that show ALL the snow we got.
Later on, after a nap, a long conference call for work, and just hanging out, we ventured out to a small hill just a block away to do some sleding. Here are a couple videos of Maddie and Kenzie enjoying their sled ride.
Maddie's Ride
Kenzie's Ride
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow Fun, Cookie Fun and Cold
Later on Sunday, Steph held her annual Cookie Exchange. This is the second time where the event was impacted by weather. Luckily a good group of people braved the roads and made it to the event. Steph really enjoys this time and I think everyone that came enjoyed it as well. Here are some pics of the cookies as well as Maddie and KK in the Snow.
Finally, we are bracing for more cold and more snow. Today the high was 25, overnight lows are in the teens. Since the roads are frozen, school started 2 hours late today (and tomorrow), so Christmas Vacation came early for KK, while Maddie is coasting into the Holiday break. Forecast is for more snow on Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday...but, this is Seattle, so you never really know.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lights, Basketball, Meetings, Parties...Oh my!
We hope everyone else is having a Crazy time of year...because this means you are having fun :-)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Menashe Christmas Lights
display...they have a done a great job again!
Top Floor, Shopping, Gingerbread Display and the Marathon
We arrived downtown around Noon and checked in to the Sheraton. First question was "Do you want a lower floor or a higher floor?" Without hesitation, Maddie burst out "Higher Higher". So we got a high floor...in fact the highest floor...in the new tower! Great view looking North. After dropping our stuff off, we headed out (and would not return until after 9pm.) We worked our way though downtown, a number of shops, the Market, etc. Had lunch at Cheesecake Factory, got mini-donuts at the market, and watched the tree lighting at Pike Place. We headed back toward Westlake for a ride on the Carousel before going for a carriage ride. These two are the kids favorite part of the weekend, hands down. After watching it snow in Pacific Place, we headed to Nordstrom's cafe for dinner. Finally made it back to the hotel around 9 and we were tired. The kids a little bit more energy, but not much.
The next day we got up early to watch for our friends Leighellen and Sharman run in the Seattle Marathon. Since we were downtown early this year it worked out great to cheer them on. We were at mile marker 1, so early in the race. Everyone was at a great pace and enjoying the mild morning weather. We saw LE first, then Sharman later. It was REALLY cool to see 12,000 people running through the streets. After the race, we grabbed coffee, breakfast, another carousel ride and some more shopping. We wrapped things up about 3pm and headed home. Within about 5 minutes, the girls were fast asleep in the car. I had told Steph that it would only take 10 min.
Thanks to Mom and Dad Jensen for watching Josie over the weekend. I guess she had a little run in with a pack of Raccoons! Kenzie want to know all about it since she is very very very interested/concerned about raccoons. We had a great time. Congrats to LE and Sharman on a great accomplishment. Below is a little slide show of the weekend. Keep an eye out for the Gingerbread creations. This is an annual thing they do at the Sheraton and the creations are always very cool...This year's theme was Superheros. Happy December!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Downtown 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Report Cards are in
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Recap and Week Ahead
The Sunday photo shoot was a GREAT time. After going back and worth on what to wear and where to go, we headed out to Golden Gardens on a great sunny seattle sunday. For Mother's day this year, I signed us up with a photo shoot with Leighellen. With Christmas around the corner, we thought this would be a great time to do the shoot. Although a bit brisk, it was an awesome time. LE was great with our crazy girls and we are really looking forward to getting the pictures back. When we get them, we will be sure to post a couple here. Thanks LE!!!
Looking ahead, it is a short week with the Thanksgiving Holiday. Just a few days of work and a few days of school. Along with a nummy dinner with Mom and Dad Jensen we are looking forward to spending a little time with friends...maybe playing a little football, etc. Not sure if we will make it out for "Black Friday" shopping...depends if there are any crazy bargains out there.
We hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels to all of you hitting the air or roads to be with family/friends!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
All done
out. It is an absolute must have when coming to ca, az or nv.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Last Soccer Game of the Year
Here are a couple pics from today as well.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Before you know it...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Exceeding Expectations
All in all, over $80,000 dollars was raised (gross)!!! Aside from raising a bunch of money for Hope, it was just a GREAT night. Everyone was excited, the venue was buzzing...the auctioneer even had to Shush the crowd 3-4 time because everyone was just enjoying themselves. We have been trying to lay low today and tie up loose ends here and there, but the buzz is out there that this was one of the best (if not the best) event ever for HOPE. We have heard that from a number of people, ran into people at the grocery store, received emails, etc.
Hats off to Steph who put everything she had into this to make it such a great event. It is extremely rewarding to see all the hard work pay off, and for it to be appreciated. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, donations, etc. We appreciate it, Maddie and Kenzie appreciate it, and Hope appreciates it!
Monday, October 27, 2008
The New Classroom(s)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
She shoots...she scores!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Final Countdown
Today is the unofficial/official deadline for donations, but between you and me, more great stuff will come in. If you have it in your heart to donate something, just let us know. Maybe there are some Hawks or Dawg fans out there that want a little tax write off by donating some tickets..while also saving themselves some more agony! Reservations are still flowing in as well, with a number of table captains (people who commit to filling a table of 10) still out there.
This has been an amazing experience to see it all come together, the tremendous generosity from families and the community, and all the support of parents/family. It will be a great event..for sure.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Hard Fall
Ironically the message today about Faith, talked about Faith in the good times...the fact that she escaped with no injury I would categorize as "in the good times"...a little bit more of a drop, or different angle, and she could have been really hurt. The key is that in the good times, we need to take the gifts were are given and share them with others. So, as we digested all that happened today we talked with Maddie about how she is going to share with others after receiving her gift...and us as well.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Week(end) in Review
Weekly Plug: Remember it is Hope Auction time. Hope Lutheran, the School that Maddie and Kenzie attend, and the school that Mike, Steph, Jeff and Stacey attended, is having their auction on November 1st. We still have room if anyone wants to attend, and we can ALWAYS use more donations. If we want to contribute just drop us an email at mjandsj@comcast.net and we will gladly talk more. If you are reading this...think about it, as we are trying to do everything we can to make the event a success, and you can help!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
1st Day of Pre-School
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
First Day of School
Monday, September 8, 2008
New School Year - Hope Auction
So, speaking of Auction. Time to give the plug:
Steph has been hard at work with this year's auction. With our experience helping put on the SLHS auctions in 2005 and 2007, she decided to help make it happen in 2008 with Hope. This is a perfect job for her with her amazing organization skills. It is going to rock! Anyway, the event....It will be on Saturday, November 1st at the Hall at Fauntleroy. Her, Julia and the slew of great volunteers met today to get all the invitations stuffed and ready to be mailed. So, be on the lookout. However, if you dont get one, and are interested in attending, just give us a call, email, etc. Tickets are $50 and it is shaping up to be the best Hope Auction ever.
If attending wont work out, we are also looking for donations. From physical items, certificates, tickets, experiences, services, etc....anything will be accepted. Give us a call, or drop us an email and we will be happy to coordinate pickup of whatever you willing to donate.
Steph and I feel very blessed to have attended Hope and that is why we are passionate about giving back and helping out....and to make it be that special place for our kids. So, we welcome any help you might be willing to offer. Hope is on the verge of some great things and we appreciate all your support.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Birthday Weekend Eve
So, I thought it would be cool to get my Dad up to Trophy Lake for his birthday (9/5) so that he could catch some of those nice trout. He, Bruce and I headed up and go there about noon. We fished for about 3 hours through sun, rain, thunder and very picky fish!! Finally, as we were about to pack it in, Dad finally got into a lunker...actually we had a double. I had just hooked a fish and it was stripping line off my reel like crazy, when he yelled "I got one too!" Unfortunately, right when he got the fish in and was ready for the picture, the fish flopped out of his hands, and flopped another time right back into the lake. I was able to keep the grip on mine and we got this picture of the two of us together. Anyway, good times!
oh...here is another one that I caught as well :-)
Thanks to Steph, the Girls, Bruce, Sheryl, Mom and Dad for a great birthday weekend!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Josie's New Friend
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wild Times

More Trophies
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Diving Board
Tonight we also did some swimming thanks to the invite from the Doerrs to go to the pool. It was a great night hanging out, staying cool and watching Maddie do her first jumps off the diving boards!! Here are a couple videos of the action. You can also see how she has come aloing with her swimming. She did great! Of course, little sister now wants to go off the diving board too :-)
Maddie off the High Diving Board
Maddie off the Low Diving Board
Sunday, August 10, 2008
XXX Rootbeer experience
Seriously, we hit the xxx rootbeer drive in issaquah last night. Here
is a pic of giant root beer float we shared. They also had a huge
gumball machine that the girls loved. We also got to sit through the
heaviest rainstorm we have had in a long long time. Probably about 20
min of pounding rain.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Comings and Goings
Last updates were around the parade, but it has been a busy few weeks since parade weekend. We have had visits from Great Grandma Cattau and Stacey and Haas (will post pictures later) where we spent some time at the cabin.
Our inconsistent weather still lingers....It has been pretty average, but we occasionally get up into the high 80's or even 90. That temp around here just doesn't work well with no AC. Luckily we have a built in AC unit called "The Basement" last night we all slept in the basement to keep cool.
We did the school supply run last night. Maddie is getting ready for 2nd grade and Kenzie into PreSchool-3. KK is excited, asking daily if she is going to school. Speaking of school, the construction is coming along, maybe a bit slower then we would all like, but it will be ready....it will be ready...everyone say it....it will be ready!!
Finally, we had a little shake up in the family car situation. Last week we traded in the "SS Jensen" - as my co-workers call it, for a new Chrysler Pacifica. The SS was getting up there and with every repair is was getting more expensive....not to mention the $100+ to fill up the tank with gas. This is a bit smaller for us, but we bought a Thule Topper (or a Rocket Box like some friends call it) that will hold all our "stuff" when we go on a trip.
That's all for now...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Parade Recap
Well, we had a great day yesterday as 1st time participants in the WS parade. A couple weeks ago, I was meeting with a consultant for the school and we were talking about marketing, our under utilized buses, etc, and the light bulb went off....Lets roll the buses in the parade with the Church float. Fill a bus with kids and show our school spirit. We rushed to get a couple banners made up and recruited about 12 kids to ride the bus. All in all it was a great success, we showed our school pride, and for those that were on the parade route that attend Hope, were also proud. Nana J was a spectator and was able to get these pics and the video below. Special thanks to Steph who walked the parade route and made sure I didnt run over any kids!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Vacation Recap: Part 2
Friday was also the 4th and we enjoyed an awesome fireworks show on the lake. The "show" went on for probably 2 hours with some pretty sizable fireworks. It was almost like being at the Space Needle...ok, maybe not.
On Saturday, the Jensen crew headed up for the day. Upon arrival Ben and Lauren were all over the fishing. We caught probably 40 perch...it was a blast. We then battled the rain, yes, Rain on the 4th, and headed to Tahuya Days parade. After Burgers, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream bars and a cool little parade we headed back to the lake. Luckily the rain had stopped and the kids wanted to go swimming again. The cousins really enjoyed playing together.
Sunday we just kinda hung out...we head back later to avoid the ferry lines. This concluded our vacation. We did a lot and had a ton of fun. Now, we are ready for summer to start!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Back to the routine
the routine today. Here is a pic of the view from the water taxi
heading over to downtown.
Maddie starts cheer camp today and Kk has swiming lessons. The end of
our vacation and the 4th were a lot of fun at the cabin. Lots of
pictures to share.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Vacation Recap: Part 1
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Heat is on!
This week we are going to hit the Oregon coast with Family as well as the Cabin for the 4th. Check back for pictures of all the fun. Happy Summer!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Impromptu Weekend
Friday was a the first day of summer and the weather finally cooperated for us. We actually hit the 80 degree mark. So, while in line for the water taxi to come home Steph calls to tell me that we are heading to Arbor Heights pool with the Doerrs. The Doerrs became members last year and they have asked us to go a few time and we really enjoy it...Thanks Doerrs! We grabbed some sandwiches, chips, "beverages" and enjoyed the 1st night of summer at the pool.
Saturday was our day to get some yard work done. We bought an auction item last year where a family from SLHS will come and re-do an area of your yard/garden. We decided to use this opportunity to take out the 3 big Rhodies. We started on this a few weeks ago by hacking off all the branches....as Steph said, our neighbors were probably laughing at us with our "prune" job. It was my take to pull out the remaining root balls. Easy enough...no big deal...yeah right! 2 hours later I finally got them pulled out. The girls, even Josie, were right there helping. So, after all that we went in search of some nutrition and headed to Jamba Juice. After that, off to trader joes. On the way home we decided to stop in at the Meyer's house to drop off the Video from Lisa's 40th b-day. A short visit, turned into a long visit, and dinner with the Meyers. We had a great time talking about all kinds of things (mainly the Church meeting the next day.)
Sunday we rolled out of bed at 9am...Kenzie actually woke us up....and we headed to 10:30 church. With the construction on the Church/School, church is actually at SLHS. After the service, was the annual congregational meeting to approve budget, etc. As some of you may know, I recently took on the role of Chairman of the School Board at Hope, so I was preparing to talk on a couple topics in front of everyone. I'll admit I was a bit nervous given it was my first meeting, and there were some hot topics to cover. In the end it all worked out great...I didnt fall on my face in front of everyone and we left with the Sun out. From there, on a whim we decided to grab Spuds and head over to the Doerr's house. We hung out, had a couple "beverages" and chatted about the weekend of last minute get together.
It was a great weekend.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summer at Huksy Deli
Here are a few pics from the Hope Groundbreaking event on June 1st. This is an exciting time for the Church and School as things are getting torn apart with the plan that it will all be back together for the start of school in September.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
End of the Softball Season
Hard Grounder to Shortstop....Safe at first!
Grounder to Second....yer' Out!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mother's Day Video
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day Re-cap
Thought we would share some highlights from our Mother's Day 2008. Maddie and I kicked things off by making breakfast for Mommy on Sunday AM. Maddie insisted that Steph stay in bed for breakfast. We then got ready and headed off to Church. Afterwards, we headed down to the Pike Place Market. With our great weather (NOT) we didnt think it would be too busy, but we were wrong. It was packed. Luckily we found a parking spot pretty quick on 1st ave close to the market. We meandered through the market, very impressed by all of the Tulips! With our weather, there was some concern about the tulips, but there seemed to be plenty available. We stocked up on a few bundles, and picked up a few Chocolate Crinkle cookies before heading out. Here are some pics:
Later in the evening, we piled into the Suburban with Mom/Dad Channer/Jensen and headed over to Bellevue for a Mother's Day dinner at Maggiano's. This is a newer Italian place that we have been to in California, but had not been to yet here in Seattle. We were surprised by how much space this place has. It was clearly built with events in mind as there was a massive banquet room that was converted into "large party overflow" for the mother's day crowd. Word from the waiters was that they were going to server over 1700 people that day. The food was great, but it was a bit slow...hey, when you are serving 1700 people, I can only imagine the logistics involved.
All in all, it was a great day. Happy Mother's Day!
NOTE: A special Mother's Day video from Maddie/KK to Steph is coming soon....
Monday, May 5, 2008
Trophy Lake
One of those "good times" was the pre-retreat golf outing on Friday. Four of us headed over to Trophy Lake Golf and Casting for some golf. This is one of my favorite courses around. First, because it is just a nice course. Second, it is in a quiet setting. And Third, because it integrated Fly Fishing and golf at one location. They have two stocked ponds on the course. In the number of time I have played golf, I have never had the chance to fish it. Well, I had my chance this weekend.
While at the turn, I inquired about fishing....mainly because after passing the 1st stocked pond off of #6, I saw some HUGE fish lurking in the shallow water. I learned that it is only $15 per hour to fish, and 1/2 price if you golf that day.....so for only $7.50 I could try this out for the first time...it was a no brainer. Ironically, I had brought my 4weight fly rod, flies, etc with me in case I had the chance to fish at the lake where the retreat was at. However, I didnt even really need that. For that $7.50 they loaned you a nice Sage Rod and Reel, a net and flies. I wasn't thrilled with the fly selection, so I took my own out with me, but I did use their rod...I hesitates on the net, but then decided to take it as well...just in case. I loaded up the golf cart and headed out to the #6 tee box.
Without rambling too much more, I will let the pictures do the talking. It was AWESOME! The fish were feeding like crazy, and within about 5 minutes I had two hit and finally landed a fish. All in all, I landed 5 fish....all as big or bigger than the one in the picture. I used a small grey parachute adams for a bit and then black wolley bugger. It was a ton of fun. My two buddies who were not as much in to fishing, were spectators while enjoying some cold beverages....Now this is my kind of "19th Hole."
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Baseball bat meets Kenzie
during Maddie's softball game last night! Ouch!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Opening Weekend for Fishing
I think we woke up around 5:30 to find boats already working the water. I got up and started getting things geared up, and Maddie emerged around 6:30. We talked with the locals who said that they stock the lake with about 1500 7-9in trout and about 150 brut stock (18-22in). The goal was to just catch something by Noon so we could enter in the derby. Needless to say, it was a bit slow for us newbies to this spinning game. Given our experience catching perch last summer, Maddie thought it would be as easy as casting and reeling them in. We did have 2 fish on but we couldnt land them. Papa J finally caught a 9 incher that got us eligible for the derby. When it got to 11:30 and we only had the 1 fish, we had to "borrow" one from the 16yr old neighbor girl for Kenzie. Lucky for Kenzie this was an 11 incher, which ended up getting her 3rd in the 0-5 age group! But, as you can see from the picture, she was more in to her Kit Kat! Check out the slide show for all the pics.
Here are a few individual ones. On Sunday we headed out in the boat and caught 3 fish..even Steph got one. You can see what the size is like. Before you push your nose up, check out the picture of a kid from Maddie's school (total coincidence that he was there), Hunter, who reeled in this 21 incher...Good enough for 1st place overall in the entire derby! Lastly, and the picture doesn't do it justice compared to in person, is a picture of an Osprey who just swooped down to catch a fish out of the lake. It is pretty cool to see this live. Great time had by all....looking forward to more weekends trying to catch the big one.

Monday, April 21, 2008
Birthday Weekend Summary - Part 1
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Maddie
THis was her morning party with hot chocolate from cafe ladro and
lemon cake from starbucks!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Spring Break, Wii and MiMi
Aside from the game, it has been a busy week for Maddie on spring break. We had softball and bible study on Tuesday, then an all day outing with Nana J on Wednesday. Today is lunch with friends, and tomorrow we have a get together. We might try and hit the pass for our annual sledding outing on Saturday. We shall see. In her spare time, she is practicing her Wii skills....yes, we finally found a Nintendo Wii. After weeks of calling and going to Target, Costco, etc, Steph got some inside scoop that Costco at SouthCenter was getting a shipment in. I called first thing on Monday, and they didn't have the shipment yet, but they did have 1 more in stock and they put it on hold. We got it hooked up that night and had our first bowling match!
Finally, big news on the MiMi (that means pacifier) for KK...we are going on 1 week now with no MiMi. We "lost" it one day and she made it through the night. We actually could not find it that night...although we did find a number of spares later....so we were not technically lying. Either way, she has done great without it and in a visit to the Dentist this week (another spring break activity) she got a certificate!
That's all for now. Let hope the sun makes it up to Seattle soon.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break, Snow and More
The snow is nice, but it is tough having softball practice when it is Snowy and 35! No smart comments from you SoCal people :-) Unfortunately, Maddie's field trip to the Zoo on Friday got cut short as well....they were not planning on snow on March 28th!
This week is Maddie's spring break. We were thinking of maybe going somewhere, but nothing ever came about. We will hopefully have Softball two days, and then we plan to hit the 3rd game of the year for the Mariners on Wednesday. If the weather cooperates we will work in things here and there. We will keep you posted.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Last Chance for Cookie Dough
Check out the details here
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Fundraiser for Maddie's School
Maddie's School is having a fundraiser where they are selling Otis Spunkmeyer (I love that name) cookie dough. They also have, pretzels and brownies. There are about a dozen different types and all are $14 each. We have about two weeks to collect as many orders as possible. So we need your help. Here is a link to the "brochure"
(NOTE: You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the brochure). If you have any trouble accessing or viewing the brochure we can send it to you via Email.
Of course we would love everyone to buy multiple tubs, however, there is 1 snag. When the orders come in, they come to us....so as much as we would love to have those of you in California, Arizona, Louisiana, etc. buy a few items, it might be a bit tough getting 3lbs of frozen cookie dough to you. That being said, another idea is that you buy a Tub as a donation, and we will find a local group that could benefit. A WIN WIN WIN situation.
So, that is it. After looking through the brochure if you find your mouth watering for a cookie, simply drop us an email (mjandsj@comcast.net) or give us a call and we will work out the ordering details. Again, we only have a couple weeks, so hurry while supplies last!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Steph
Happy Birthday Steph!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Maddie's 1st Bike Ride
After getting home from school today, the weather was nice, and Maddie saw her bike in the garage. Once we got air in the tires, Maddie wanted to try and ride her bike w/o training wheels. We had tried this a few time last summer, but couldnt make the breakthrough. However, this time, on the first time, she was riding down the alley on her own. The video below was on our way back to the garage. We are looking forward to Alki bike rides this summer!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Weekend wrap up
In the last post, I mentioned that both SLHS teams headed off to the State tournament in Spokane. Unfortunately, both teams lost two games in a row and were out of the tournament. It was a great accomplishment just getting there again, and was fun to follow the action from a distance. Maybe they have started something...
Last night we had a night out with friends. A group of 10 headed out on the town. The intent was to find a country bar and try some country dancing. For 8 of us, this is a major stretch...but the Doerrs are the Pros, so were looking for some guidance. The one challenge was finding a country bar. The Pros had been to the well known "Riverside" in Tukwila so we decided to head that direction. We grabbed dinner at a restaurant across the street at a small Italian place and had a "Little Italy" experience, then headed over to the Riverside....but there was one small problem....The "Riverside" was now a full-on Casino and there was not even an ounce of country bar there anymore. So, that made us head north to what I learned is the one and only country bar in the Seattle city limits, The Little Red Hen in Greenlake. This was a very interesting experience. It was totally packed, very difficult to get a drink, and no place to sit....sounds fun, eh? Well, it actually was. We waited in the lines, pushed our way around and huddled around the Pool Table. With some encouragement and help from the Pros, a number of us got out on the dance floor and did a little 2-step. We had a great time and cant wait to do it again.
Today we started out heading to Church where Maddie sang as part of Lutheran Schools Sunday. It was really cool to see the church packed with all the school families, kids, etc. After church we headed over to Grandma Cook's to pack them up for another move. A few months ago, they got pushed out of their apartment as they were converted to Condos. They found a small condo just a block away from us, but then recently found a new apartment close to the WS Junction. Here is a picture from their deck.....we were joking that they will be able to watch the Hi-Yu parade from their deck this summer.
Monday, February 25, 2008
SLHS to State
After learning about their accomplishment, I pinged Jack Menashe and offered to talk to the team about the "State Experience". He took me up on that and I talked with them today for a few minutes. From playing in the 10,000 seat arena, to the quality of the teams you play, to rooter bus...It was fun to encourage them in their next challenge. Of course my biggest highlight was from my Sophomore year where we placed 8th. It was the game that either gave us a shot for 5th or sent us home, and we went into double overtime. I came in for someone that fouled out and ended up making 2 free throws with 20 seconds left to "put the game out of reach." Dad actually put together a DVD for me with the radio audio, so I watched that tonight. If I can get the actual AVI, I might post a clip...although the uniforms from 19 years ago are not pretty :-)
We pinged our favorite West Seattle website and they added a posting to their Blog about the accomplishment.
That posting has links to the Boys and Girls brackets so you can all track how they do.
Go Saints!
Monday, February 18, 2008
LEST 2008
Maddie's Top 4 from LEST
1) Drama Performance
2) Boy's Basketball winning 2nd place
3) Cheerleading Night
4) Connecting Hotel Rooms with the Doerrs'
Here are is a slideshow from the weekend.
Birthday Girl
Here is a picture from this morning. Big day planned with swimming,
presents, party, etc. We will post updates later.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
90th Birthday Party
The three kids (and spouses) helped plan a party with about "90" people. It was a great opportunity to see a number of people and to celebrate his 90th birthday. My brother made the trip up for the party, as did my cousins from Louisiana. We dont get a chance to see the complete family a lot, so it was fun to get together. Here is a collection of pictures from the event.